Minimal Examples

Logical State Preparation

For the logical state preparation task, you only need to specify the target stabilizers of your logical state.

For example, the code below will train an RL agent to prepare the \(|0\rangle_L\) of the 7-qubit Steane code. It uses \(H\), \(S\), and \(CNOT\) gates and all-to-all qubit connectivity by default.

from rlftqc.logical_state_preparation import LogicalStatePreparation


lsp = LogicalStatePreparation(target)
lsp.train()   ## Train the agent     ## Run the agent to get the circuit

Refer to the notebook notebooks/01 - Logical State Preparation.ipynb for more advanced examples (e.g. change the gate set and qubit connectivity).

Verification Circuit Synthesis

For the verification circuit synthesis task, you only need to specify the encoding circuit as a stim.Circuit (see reference) or qiskit.QuantumCircuit (see reference) instance.

For example, the code below will train an RL agent to synthesize a verification circuit to fault-tolerantly prepare \(|0\rangle_L\) of the 7-qubit Steane code.

import stim
from rlftqc.verification_circuit_synthesis import VerificationCircuitSynthesis

## Encoding circuit for the $|0\rangle_L$ of the 7-qubit Steane code.
circ = stim.Circuit(""" H 0 1 3
CX 0 6 1 5 0 4 3 4 3 5 5 6 0 2 1 2 """)

## We can ignore Z error since we are preparing zero-logical of Steane code
vcs = VerificationCircuitSynthesis(circ, ignore_z_errors = True)
vcs.train()   ## Train the agent     ## Run the agent to get the circuit

Refer to the notebook notebooks/02 - Verification Circuit Synthesis.ipynb for more advanced examples.

Integrated Fault-Tolerant Logical State Preparation

For the integrated logical state preparation task, you only need to specify the target stabilizers of your logical state.

For example, the code below will train an RL agent to fault-tolerantly prepare the \(|0\rangle_L\) of the 7-qubit Steane code.

from rlftqc.ft_logical_state_preparation import FTLogicalStatePreparation


## We can ignore Z error since we are preparing zero-logical of Steane code
ftlsp = FTLogicalStatePreparation(target, ignore_z_errors=True)
ftlsp.train()   ## Train the agent     ## Run the agent to get the circuit

Refer to the notebook notebooks/03 - Integrated Fault-Tolerant Logical State Preparation.ipynb for more advanced examples. ## Circuit Examples

Go to this link to see the circuit examples that the RL agent has synthesized for various tasks in PNG, stim, and Latex formats.